Writing a meaningful bio or profile in 160 characters or less is a bit of an art form. It’s impossible to squeeze everything about your business into a short character limit, so what should we really be focusing on in a social media bio?
A few things that I’ve found useful for writing professional social media bios include:
- Keep your audience in mind. It sounds obvious, but if you know (and I mean really know) who you’re talking to, it’ll be easier to decide what to include. Answer the main question your customers will ask – what’s in it for me?
- Use your customer keywords. Not to be confused with buzzwords which you definitely don’t want, keywords are relevant to your audience and help them to find you when they search online.
- Show your personality. Stay professional but have some fun at the social media party. Try to show why you are unique.
- Be creative. Words are easily overused, so keep your language fresh. Keywords are in, jargon and cliches are not.
- Make each word work. Don’t waste words stating the obvious, ‘This is the twitter feed of…’. Get to the point and show what you’re best at. Finally, don’t forget to link to your website and other social channels so your customers can take the next step and find out more about you!
Need a bit of help with your social media or other word-smithery? Chat to me at hello@wordandthewild.co.uk